About Patriots Pathway
America was built on the rugged individualism.
Men & Women with strong convictions of Right vs. Wrong. Doing what is right, because it is right.
Fearless protectors of the weak.
Skilled and independent.
Those that desired community, but could function independently.
Regain the Spirit of America-
-Learn the lessons of our forefathers
-Become fiercely independent
-Strengthen & protect your community
Learn how to be the best American you can be!
An audio magazine
Listen- Learn-Grow
Magazine 1
TEOTWAWKI- -TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt-skills necessary to survive
Magazine 2
The New World Order
Magazine 3
Plagues & World Powers
Magazine 4
Geoengineering & New Weapons of War
Magazine 5
Magazine 6
Protect your family & better your survival potential
Magazine 7
It is time to act.
See the truth, acknowledge the truth, and become prepared.
Save your family, & country.
Magazine 8
Predictive Programming-
How our future has been outlined and how their plan is being implemented.
Magazine 8
The future has been outlined.
Listen, learn & grow. Understand where we are being led.
Magazine 9
Our monetary system. How did it begin? Has it been a bigger picture all along? Is there a global plan for the destruction of America?
A global system impacting food production and distribution.
Is there a larger picture afoot?
Has this all been prophesized? What can we learn today, to best prepare for tomorrow?
Magazine 10
Delving into the concepts of war and how a democracy can slip into communism.
Learn how an inferior military has had victory over a technologically superior force.
What historical figures have seized privately owned firearms and see what became of those peoples.
Hear how we are under attack, and how peace can quickly be flipped into slavery.
Our infrastructure is under attack.
Our food production is under attack.
Our constitution is under attack.
And despite this, we can, and we must, have victory.
Magazine 11
War appears to be beckoning.
The pawns are being aligned, and the battle lines being drawn.
The bonds of allies are being tested.
The history as we've been taught is now in question. Have we seen this preamble to war before?
Does history repeat and rhyme? Or is it an orchestrated bedlam that behooves the moneylenders?
Magazine 12
What is happening?
Is our nation is under attack?
Looking at what is occurring in our nation, is this a form of Seige?
Our Southern border is exploited via the Darien Gap. Is this a coincidence?
And 'why can't we just get along'? Learn about the origins of war.
Our medications- do you know where they are manufactured? What will happen if we dont' have access to these medications?
Closing of farms, weaponized migration, abolishing the 2nd Amendment, arming our enemies... what is going on?
Magazine 13
The information provided here does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or official stance of Patriots Pathway or its associates. The content provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as representing the views or expertise of any specific organization or individual other then the author of the articles.
Magazine 14
The worlds populations may be under 'Mind Control'.
The world as we've known may not actually be the world as it is.
Are we pawns in someone's game?
Is there any HealthCare in Medicine?
Who among you is a Centurion?
Will anyone help save this country?
Magazine 15
Truth is stranger then fiction.
Statistics are plentiful.
See what the statistics say, and compare that to the 'truth' being told.
There are things that can be done today, to best your tomorrow.
There is hope for tomorrow.
You and family need not suffer.
Magazine 16
Hope is not lost.
You can make a difference in your life, and the lives of those you love.
It begins with preparations.
Be knowledgeable.
Be prepared.
Be Steadfast.
Magazine 17
Chaos and war.
Every moment of everyday we are bombarded by threats of war.
Is it possible?
Has the human race not learned?
Are we destined to engage in war?
Modern medicine- what is to come? What's been done?
America- the only continent that has been free from a World War. Is that to change?
What can YOU do to help your family, friends and self survive an impending war & societal collapse?
Magazine 18
With disease and food crisis permeating every aspect of our daily life we must prepare ourselves in body and mind.
Learn how to visualize your success in action. Mental training is a key, yet underappreciated, training strategy that we all can employ. It's free, learn how to perform, and master these techniques.
Herbal medicine. There is a lot to learn, and a lot that can be done, but first and foremost you must learn what has been done, and what is safe. Anything we do or ingest must be critically analyzed and practiced.
Magazine 19
Has everything been pre-planned and orchestrated?
Is there a 'puppet-master' or collective group writing history?
What tools exist and how can they be employed?
Is there anything that the average person can do to best prepare for the turbulence that is upon us? Check out the articles on skills and benefits of having skills that will best help you, help those you love, and yourself!
Magazine 20
The reality of reality is that nothing is as it seems.
Assaults on your intellect and reality are real.
Magazine 21
Destruction of our Food Production.
Suing Pfizer!
Sewing the sees of war in the U.S.A.
Understanding where we've been, helps understand where you are.

Our Associates
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